Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just 13 days left...

Only 13 days left to order a GO.SEEK.LOVE t-shirt and help bring our daughter home from Ethiopia!

There are other BIG ways to help too!

#1 Pray for our family, our daughter in Ethiopia, her birth family and our adoption.

#2 Share our GO.SEEK.LOVE. t-shirt fundraiser information with everyone you know!

Thanks to so many of you who have loved and supported our family  during this incredible time!

1 comment:

Julia said...

I just found your blog through the Crazy Roots Ethiopia blog & had to contact you - our stories are amazingly similar! From your timeline (we just mailed our I-600A yesterday!), to having 3 biological kids, going through AWAA...even down to having just been given the gift of the EXACT necklace you got from the Vintage Pearl...crazy! Who knows but that we could end up in the same group going to get our children from Ethiopia?!? Would love to find a way to meet you someday :). My blog is here: www.joy04thejourney.blogspot.com. Many blessings!