Thursday, June 30, 2011

One of those days...just rambling

At a little before 8:00 last night...yeah, just about bedtime for the children...we loaded into the mini-van my swagger wagon and headed north  for one of our favorite summer treats...snow cones.

Have you seen the swagger wagon video? It is! And, for me, it never gets old.
I have an Odyssey, but I've got to give props to Toyota on this one. Check it.

You're laughing, aren't you? And you can relate, huh? 
I know. Me too.

Back to the snow cones...

But first a quick plug here...Firehouse Snow Cones just off the square in Celina, TX has the very best snow cones in the whole wide world. My recommendation? The Jack Jack. It's three flavors of sugary delight...cotton candy topped with wedding cake topped with strawberry.  Yumyumyumyumyum.

So we're on our way to cups full of empty calories and sugar highs when I realize that I have no cash. This is no surprise because I never ever ever have cash in my wallet. I don't even remember how I functioned before the invention of the debit card. My poor kids think anything and everything can be purchased with "that card thingy". Ugghhh...Dave Ramsey would be so disappointed in me. know what else? We're always low on milk at our house...which was again the case last night. No matter how many gallons I buy...I feel like I'm always saying, "Better stop at the store. We need milk for the kids' breakfast." I'm telling you...these kids of mine go through it!

So lucky for us...CVS came to our town a couple of years ago. Which is so convenient because with the swipe of a debit card you can get grossly overpriced milk and up to thirty dollars cash back!

Which is exactly what I did.

About half an hour after we first left, we were finally on our way. At one point during the drive, I ran my  tongue over my teeth. Felt a little fuzzy. And I thought...Did I brush my teeth today? Sheesh! What had me so busy that I completely skipped basic oral hygiene? 

And for the life of me I couldn't remember.

So it was one of those days.
Not a bad one. Just the kind that leaves you with fuzzy teeth and not a single memory of what happened throughout the day.

{Evan wearing his Spiderman t-shirt while eating a Spiderman flavored snow cone. Which makes him look like he's either been punched in the mouth or a very young member of the Cullen family.}

{Olivia enjoying a Barbie flavored snow cone while perfecting her eye roll. Give me strength.}

I have no picture of Joshua eating his Sour Apple snow cone because there were older kids around and he was having one of those "I'm-too-cool-to-let-my-mom-take-a-picture-of-me" kind of days. Whatever.

{And here it swagger wagon's empty seat. Every time I get in the driver's seat, I look back at it and imagine another pink car seat, an Ethiopian princess and sweet sisters giggling as we drive along.}

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