Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Three silly kids on Christmas Eve!

Evidence that Santa was here...

Santa brought Evan his first bike!

But one of the pedals was broken, so Santa left him a special note...

Merry Christmas!
Waiting on the stairs as Mommy turns on the Christmas lights...

What did Santa bring? Checking it out...

Reading a letter from Santa...

Opening presents...

Playing...the boys spent much of the afternoon like this.

Playing...Olivia loves her new doll house.

Apparently the boys like the doll house too. Their new action figures raided it more than once! 

At the end of this day, our hearts are full of joy...overwhelmed by our blessings. 

Not the blessings that were unloaded from Santa's sleigh, but the blessings that have been poured out by our Heavenly Father. From the manger to the cross to life eternal...thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Love the most favorite is the note Santa left about the broken bike. Hilarious, and very clever Carrie!