Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The only thing missing around here...

is me!

It has been four weeks since my last post. Wow.

To those of you who have sent emails asking if everything is okay...
No need to worry. All is well.

I'm not sure that I can explain my absence, but I'll give it a try.

First...we've been busy. It seems like this time of year is the craziest for our family's calendar. Lots of birthdays and baseball. Choir practice and concerts for the boys. Easter. Mother's Day Tea with Evan and Olivia's preschool classes. A family day a Six Flags. And as the school year comes to an end...it's only going to get busier!

As for the adoption...I haven't posted anything about it because there's just nothing new to report. Our dossier is where it needs to be in Ethiopia. We know approximately how many families are ahead of us for the age we have requested. But we have no idea when our referral will come...or when we'll travel...or when we'll bring our little girl home. And for the first time since this journey began, I have such peace. Although I may not know the timeline going forward, I know my God's timing is absolutely perfect. So I've let go of my expectations and I've quit speculating. When the time is right, He will bring her home.

And finally...a few weeks ago, I received the official guide for my July mission trip to Ethiopia. As I read through the information late one night, I got scared. I don't mean nervous scared. I mean terrified scared. I tried to write about my fears, but it was impossible to put into words what was so confusing in my heart. How could I have such peace about the adoption and, at the same time, be consumed with fear about the mission trip? After many, many tearful prayers (and a couple conversations with a dear friend), I'm in a much better place. More on that to come.

It's almost midnight and this mama needs some sleep! So I'm signing off, but I'll be back here...soon!

1 comment:

Misty said...

SO GLAD to hear from you! I thought about you again this morning and was hoping all is well. You guys going to Six Flags reminds me of one time when Kyle & I were driving past Arlington and literally stopped and rode one ride and got back in the car...CRAZY FUN times!