Friday, July 8, 2011

first world problems...

The number of days before my mission trip is now in the single digits...7!

The reality of everything that must get done before I leave has finally set in. So I'm going to use this little space in blog world to confess...I'm freaking out a bit.

Here's an example:

The other day I spent what seemed like an eternity staring at bins of travel sized toiletries trying to determine how many packs of wet-wipes and bottles of hand sanitizer are appropriate for a trip such as this. I counted the number of days I'll be in Ethiopia. I counted the number of wipes in each little pack. I calculated. I contemplated. I got stressed out.

Sounds like someone was in need of a reality check A little perspective maybe?

In a matter of days I'll be visiting orphans in a third world country...some of whom live in a trash dump. read that right. And there I stood at Super Target fretting over hand sanitizer. Really, Carrie? Really?

Reminds me of a video Shelly at Good to Be Crazy posted recently...

It's funny and makes for a good laugh. Until you catch yourself  caught up in your first world problems. And then it's so not funny.

1 comment:

Erica said...

hmmm....a little perspective. Sometimes it is what we need. I can't wait to hear about your trip. Maybe one day I will go with you!