Monday, June 20, 2011

On film...Father's Day 2011

When it was time for Kyle to open his Father's Day gift and cards yesterday, I pulled out the Flip. So glad I did. Kyle and I watched the video late last night. We laughed.until.we.cried.

It's just a family video. But Hollywood has nothing on this group.

Kyle is the handsome leading man
...and he goes all "Jim Halpert" with his funny glances toward the camera.

Olivia plays the part of the Drama Queen...any surprise there?

Joshua plays the part of the Peacekeeper when he gives in to the drama queen.

Mommy provides the sound effects...that snorting sound is me trying to hold in laughter!

Buster plays the part of the cute but unnecessary dog.

Evan is that heart-warming character that finds the strength and determination to get through a difficult this case opening an envelope.

There's scandal and awkward humor...Mommy gave Daddy a card that says "You're pretty hot for being a dad."

Joshua provides more sound effects...screaming "Happy Father's Day!"

And since no Hollywood film seems to be complete without a little violence...Joshua and Evan provide a kick to the gut and a solid punch at the very end.

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